KVK-Kathua Organized a Training Programme for Floriculture Farmer

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kathua organized a farmer training programme for floriculture farmers at village Chann Rakwal under the project Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA). The programme was held under the dynamic leadership of Dr. B.N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor and under the directions of Dr Amrish Vaid, Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu. The programme was attended by More than 25 farmers. The theme of the farmer training was Commercial marigold cultivation and its economic benefits.

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Dr. Vishal Mahajan, Chief Scientist & Head, KVK- Kathua welcomed the farmers and told them about the background of the programme and the project. He said that KVK-Kathua has been working in a mission mode to promote marigold cultivation among the farmers of the region through various awareness programmes, and demonstrations and providing them the technical knowledge.  He also elaborated on the schemes for floriculture farmers under HADP and advocated for the farmers to get maximum benefit from them.

The programme was led by Dr Vishal Sharma, Scientist (Agronomy) of KVK, Kathua with a brief introduction to marigold cultivation. He stressed the farmers on the inclusion of floriculture components in the Integrated Farming System for income augmentation and for sustaining soil health. He said that the main aim of the programme was to develop entrepreneurship development among the farmers/rural youth so that they can augment their income. He motivated the farmers on the quality production of marigolds for harnessing maximum benefits.

Dr Anamika Jamwal, Chief Scientist (Plant Protection) discussed with the farmers about the disease pest management in Marigold for harnessing the maximum production and returns. She also stressed the year-round mushroom cultivation for enhancing farmers’ income. Compost-making was also discussed during the programme.

Dr Berjesh Ajrawat, Senior Scientist (Agril. Extn.) in his address briefed the farmer about flower cultivation for harnessing maximum returns. He informed the farmers about the benefits of forming Self Help Groups. He emphasized that they should work as SHGs of quality marigold producers to get more remunerations. He also elaborated on the different schemes of the floriculture department.

Amit Kumar (FA, ARYA) was also present in this programme and made all the arrangements to make this programme successful. The different types of queries raised by the farmers about the marigold cultivation and its marketing which were satisfactorily answered by scientists of KVK- Kathua. The farmers showed keen interest in the programme. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Ckakarbarty Ravan, a progressive farmer in the area.

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