GDC Women, Kathua organized a Seminar on “Cyber Security Best Practices for Individuals

Press Release (02/05/2024)

The Department of Computer Applications, Govt. Degree College for Women, Kathua, in collaboration with IQAC and the Cyber Jagrookta Cell, organized a Seminar on “Cybersecurity Best Practices for Individuals” on May 2nd, 2024, under the valuable guidance of Principal, Dr. Savi Behl.

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The event took place at the Computer Lab, with 56 students actively participating. Mr. Sachin Jeet Singh, Assistant Professor, and Head of Computer Applications, served as the Organizer and Resource Person for the event.

During the seminar, students were educated on Tips and Techniques to protect themselves from cyber threats, which included aspects like password management, safe browsing habits, and recognizing phishing attacks.

The students gained valuable insights into cybersecurity measures and developed a habit of practicing good cyber hygiene in their day-to-day lives.

The principal emphasized the importance of cyber awareness in this digital era and encouraged the students to actively participate in such events in the future.

Mrs. Surbhi Gupta, Assistant Professor & Nodal Officer, Cyber Jagrookta Cell, concluded the event by delivering a formal vote of thanks to the esteemed principal, resource person, and students present.

Sd/- Principal

GDC Mahanpur Organized Cleanliness Drive (Press Release)

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